Their main message, Life with Jesus is better, is all over the place in the form of t-shirts, mugs, umbrellas, etc... I love seeing companies that unashamedly share the Gospel with anyone who will happen onto their site. Songear is not ashamed, and neither should we be. They also have many other t-shirts and other products, focusing on walking with Jesus every day.
My husband and I are planning to buy Merry Jesusmas! shirts to wear for Christmas. What a great way to share with the world our love for the Lord and really make people think about the true meaning of Christmas.
As a small Christian company, they need all the orders possible this Christmas season in order to stay in business as time goes on. As we see all over the place, small businesses have a hard time in this crazy economy. Let's help them out!
Head over to for a few minutes today. Be sure to come back and leave a comment here letting us know what your favorite product is. :)