Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm a princess too!

I got up this morning to watch Prince William and Kate get married in front of billions of the world population.  Last night, I got really excited about it.  In my lifetime, we haven't been able to watch something of this magnitude.  My mom watched Diana and Charles get married, and I wanted to be able to tell my children that I watched William and Kate get married.  Now I can :)  It was wonderful to see the way they looked at each other, confirming that this is not another political move, like has happened in their history, but this is truly a couple who love each other and want to be married.  I also loved hearing all of the Scripture quoted throughout the ceremony from various parts of the Bible.  The Gospel was proclaimed throughout the world this morning through the venue of a royal British wedding.  Thank you, Lord!

Through the whole ceremony, I was reminded that they are normal people just like you and I, except he was born into British royalty and is in line for the throne.  When she was born, her parents never imagined she would ever talk to royalty much less be royal herself.  What an amazing thing to think of.  It makes me think of our position as children of God.  Before our redemption in Christ, we are "commoners" who can not talk to royalty, much less be a royal.  When we are redeemed and become a child of God, we become a child of the King, a prince or a princess with all the rights and privileges of heirs of royalty.   I'm a princess too!

My Father is rich in houses and lands
He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands
Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold
His coffers are full; He has riches untold.
I'm a child of the King, a child of the King
With Jesus, my Savior, I'm a child of the King.

"Now if we are children, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory."  Romans 8:17


Unknown said...

Amen! Thank you for sharing this post, Dawn :)


Amanda Pittman said...

So true! I DVR'd the wedding, planning to watch it, but when it came time, I forgot to 'keep' it, and it got removed to make room for my girls' Disney shows :( I'm going to find it online and watch it with my daughters soon. Not sure how interested they'll be, except that my oldest (who's 5) was impressed to know that there are still kings, queens, and royalty in the world.

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