Friday, September 14, 2012

My New Journey with BSF

Since we decided that I would be home during the day, I have been praying for God to lead me to a women's Bible Study taking place during the day. Every church one I looked into I had either already done, or they really want you to go to that church. Then a friend invited me to go to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) with her this week. I am so excited about this new journey with BSF! We are studying the book of Genesis. We have small group time, teaching time, and homework to do throughout the week that is just questions and crossreferencing on the passage being studied. I have already enjoyed the homework so far. Today I had to underline God every time I found it in Genesis 1 (A LOT!). I was reminded once again that God speaks, and it happens. God is in masterful control of everything weaving everything together to work for His plan just as He did in creation. What a beautiful picture! The unexpected blessing is the other people I know who are doing BSF in other parts of the country. A grandma of two students I have taught that lives in South Carolina is also doing the study, and I feel like we are doing it together. Thanks, Lord, for giving me just what I needed at just the right time :) If you are interested in BSF or want to know more about it, head here. What are you studying in the Bible lately? Have a great weekend!


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